Four Sustainable Choices you can take to celebrate Earth Month

While saving the planet may seem daunting, there are green options anyone from any walk of life can take to make a positive change. The United Nations defines sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Of course, sustainability can look different depending on your background, lifestyle, available resources, and where you live. The good news is that you have a range of green options that you can take on, and no action is too big or too small! Let’s look at a few sustainable options that can get you started.

One of the simplest ways to reduce day-to-day waste is by identifying unsustainable items you would typically purchase and swapping them out with sustainable options, for example, using a reusable coffee cup. Whether making coffee at home or grabbing one when you are out, this minor swap can make a big difference. On average, the United States throws away 50 billion paper cups yearly. Single-use coffee cups are made with various mixed materials, making them hard to process and recycle. Even if the cups are made of paper, they often have a wax or plastic lining, and most recycling processors are not equipped to separate the lining from the paper. Using a reusable coffee cup daily can divert an average of 16 pounds of waste from going to the landfill annually. Not only does using reusable cups divert waste, but they can also save you money. Coffee proprietors such as Starbucks or local businesses like Coffee Bar and The Hub offer discounts when you bring in a reusable cup. If you are wondering if your local coffee shop provides a discount, just ask. Make sure your reusable cup is clean and has no liquid in it.   

Another great swap that can save you money over time is refillable options for basic household or personal products. You can find these refillable options in big box stores with minimal packaging. For example, Blueland body wash. You can purchase the starter kit that comes with a “forever bottle” and body wash in a concentrated powder form. You fill the bottle with water, pour in the powder, and shake it. Once you have the bottle, you only purchase the concentrated body wash packets. Over time it cuts down on packaging waste since you're not buying a new container every time. Blueland is mainly online order; however, you can find some of their products at Target.  Locally, you can utilize refilling shops such as The Waste Less Shop or Replenish Refillery. The Waste Less Shop offers a draft refill bar of basic household liquids like laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, various cleaners, and body care products. With a refilling shop, you can bring in any container you already have, and they will fill it up and charge by the ounce. Shops like these are also great because they provide green, non-toxic products that are good for the environment. So, not only are the products better for you, but they also come in minimal to no packaging, creating less waste.

Household food waste is another leading contributor to landfills. One way to reduce this waste starts in the grocery store. Learning how to read product dates can help you properly plan for food usage. You may encounter a couple of dates, like “sell by” and “best if used by”. These dates are generally used for retailers, so they know how to stock and rotate products. These dates do not mean that the product goes bad on the date; it means that the date shown is when the product is at its freshest and is recommended to be used. Food waste can still happen no matter how much you plan; however, instead of throwing it into the garbage, think about composting it. While Washoe County does not offer residential composting, doing it at home is a good alternative. If you have space, a backyard composting system is convenient, which can consist of a pre-made tumbler or simply a heap in the corner of the yard. If you do not have the space for your own compost, check out Down to Earth Composting. For more information on reducing food waste, visit KTMBs food waste resources.     

Supporting businesses that practice green initiatives is a great way to reinforce more sustainable practices as a community. You can utilize the GreenBiz Tracker to discover certified green businesses in Nevada. The companies that enroll have to go through various checklists and tasks to validate they employ sustainable practices. These include reducing waste, using fewer plastics, using eco-friendly cleaners, etc. Use the GreenBiz Tracker or watch for the Nevada Green Business logo to locate and support certified green businesses in Nevada. For more information, or if you own a company that wants to become certified, check out the KTMB Green Business Program.

Reusable cups, refilling products, and shopping green are only a few options out there. You can find some more green steps on the United Nations website. Finding suitable sustainable swaps that fit your lifestyle may take time and some trial and error. Aside from making these sustainable swaps, you can participate in community clean-ups and other beautification events throughout the year with Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful! Use the button below to volunteer for KTMB’s Great Community Clean-up on Saturday, April 29th.


Plastic Free July 2023


Happy Sustainable Holidays!