Plastic Free July 2023

Ariel picture of a massive landfill with bulldozers, cranes, and dump trucks moving piles of trash.

As alarming as it may sound, the amount of trash in landfills is increasing yearly, posing a significant threat to our environment and future generations. This is why we must take responsibility for our actions and do our part in reducing waste.

One way to start is by being mindful of the products we use daily and how we dispose of them. For instance, opting for reusable bags, bottles, and containers instead of single-use items can significantly reduce the amount of waste we generate. Also, properly sorting our trash and recycling can ensure that materials are repurposed instead of ending up in landfills.

It's also essential to be aware of the impact of plastic waste on our ecosystems. When plastic products break down into microplastics, they can contaminate our waterways, harm marine life, and even end up in our food chain. By reducing our reliance on single-use plastics and properly disposing of them, we can help mitigate the damage caused by plastic waste.

Overall, reducing waste is a collective effort that requires action from individuals, communities, and businesses. By taking small steps towards a more sustainable future, we can significantly impact our planet's health and future generations well-being. Awareness is the first step toward reducing waste.

 Additional resources:

Microplastic Research: 

Plastic Free July Resources: 

Composting at Home:

July article 2021: 

Other July article: 


How to recycle a pumpkin.


Four Sustainable Choices you can take to celebrate Earth Month